Module 9

Pregnancy Posse member stories

I love hearing all the amazing birth stories from the lovely ladies that have joined me in the Posse. I’ve shared some of my favourites below…

Posse praise from…

Emmeline M

I had a 4.15kg baby girl on Wednesday.

I am a very small woman so all the midwives were asking how I managed to birth such a big baby… without tearing either. I tell everyone that it is from doing the Pregnancy Posse workouts. I really believe that.

I feel the best I have out of all my births even though this one should have wrecked my body the most.

My abdominal separation (last Friday when checked) was at the stage I was 4-5 months post birth with my second.

My pelvic floor is amazing (even though I only did the exercises once a day and not the three that you recommended).

So I wanted to leave this feedback here so others can read it too.

Thank you Laura for your expertise and knowledge.

I have been telling others about the Pregnancy Posse too!

Posse praise from…

Katherine C

Thought it was about time I give you an update.

It’s amazing, I’m at week 34 and have had no pelvic pain, no skeletal pain or back pain at all!

I have heard so many stories of people hating the 3rd trimester because of all the pain and discomfort felt but I haven’t had any – it’s so wonderful.

I believe it’s because of the Posse and all of the exercises and resources. The only discomfort I have is the weight of my belly and the stretching ligaments as it grows.

To be honest, the thought of a natural delivery is scaring me a lot because of a lot of horror stories some of my friends have had. But I feel a lot more relaxed about it knowing there are resources on here.

Only 5 weeks to go until I get to meet my little one, unless it comes early!

I told my midwife about the Posse, so hopefully the word spreads 🙂

Posse praise from…

Nicole M

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for everything your program has done for me over the last 20 weeks.

Throughout the second half of my pregnancy, I did your program 2-3 times a week, and I felt AMAZING right up until delivery.

With a 3 year old and 18 month old to run around after at 40 weeks pregnant, I could not have imagined feeling more comfortable or “together” than I did.

The only time I started to have any aches or pains were the weeks where I hadn’t done my Posse workout yet. As soon as I got back on schedule, the aches disappeared!

I now have a 2 week old boy born vaginally, at a beautifully robust 4.8kgs (10lb8oz).  I actually said to my husband on the way to the hospital that I thought this baby would be our smallest yet, as I felt so compact and “together”, unlike my second pregnancy.

He was my biggest baby by a significant margin but he felt the lightest in pregnancy! I am sure this is because of the strength I gained doing my Posse workouts.

My recovery post-delivery has also been amazing, and at two weeks post-partum I am incredibly grateful to not have any pain or weakness in my tummy, perineum, or pelvic floor. Again, I credit the Posse for this!

Thank you so much for putting together such a comprehensive, achievable and effective workout series for pregnant mummas. I am so grateful to you for how I felt during pregnancy and since birth!

You have done an amazing job to keep this all going with the birth of your own beautiful babe, and I am so appreciative of your hard work and effort in providing this service.

The Posse has made an immeasurable impact to my last 5 months and I have already recommended the Posse to all of my friends who are pregnant or considering trying for a baby.

Well done on a truly awesome product and thank you so much.

I can’t wait to sign up to your post-natal program once it is released!

Join the Pregnancy Posse for the best chance of an active pain-free pregnancy, smoother birth and faster post-natal recovery.